It was 15th May 2008 a peaceful Thursday evening when a phone call from my wife at her work place shattered the calm evening. My wife called to informed me that my Mother-In-Law fell and hit her head and was admitted to Changi Hospital. I felt relieved when my wife told me that there was no major injury and her mother had regained consciousness. About 15 minutes later, my youngest uncle called and told me that the doctor had diagnosed that she had internal bleeding and could only survive for 2 days. At that instance I felt very shocked and feel sorry for my Mother-In-Law. Immediately I called my wife who was still at her work place. Upon answering my call I can tell that she can no longer control her tears and she immediately rushed to the hospital. About an hour later, she called me from the hospital saying that doctors say that the mother had only 1 and a half hour to live. and at about 9.30pm my wife called again informing me that she had just lost her mother. - peng
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Mother-In-Law's Potrait
这天是2008年五月十五日(阳历四月十一日)的一个平静星期四黄昏。这个平静的夜幕被一封太太从工作场所的来电震碎了。 她告诉我岳母因跌倒而进了章宜综合医院但情况已稳定。听了这消息后我这才比较放心。大约十五分钟后,小舅又来电说医生证实岳母内流血只剩两天的寿命。 这个坏消息使我屯时发呆而为岳母感到难过。 我即刻拨电给还在工作的太太,在接听电话时她已经在哭泣。我太太即刻赶往医院而在一个钟头后拨电通知我医生说岳母只剩大约一个半钟头的寿命。 在大概九点半我太太再来电告知岳母已去世。- 平
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